Hi Family. I want to put this information in here for your viewing:

I know some of you are not available for this particular event, however, I am sending this to everyone, in case you’d like to still attend rehearsal. 

Tracy has requested that our group minister in song for their Women’s Day evening of Prayer, Praise and Testimony. To Everyone that said yes,  Thank y’all for answering the call. I am proposing two practices.

1. Saturday October 12, 2024 at 5pm
2. Saturday October 19, 2024 at 2pm. I want to hear from y’all so we can pick the best dates and times that will have the most people available. 

Event Date: Friday October  25, 2024 @ 7pm 
Palestine Missionary Baptist Church 
15787 Wyoming Ave
Detroit, MI 48238
Rev. Ronald Burks, Pastor

The songs that i would like to render are:
1. I Will Bless the Lord – Byron Cage

2. Bless the Lord – Tye Tribett

3. Happy- Tasha Cobb

4. How Great Is our God – Todd Galberth

5. Lord You Are Good – Todd Galberth

The service is slated to last about 60 -75 mins. We will be ministering throughout the entire service.


And lets go over these songs just for memory and preparation sake:

Worship Medley – Alex
Total Praise – Betsy
My Worship Is For Real
Oh How Precious – Barbara

Any questions or comments:


I Thank all of y’all once again. 

God Bless!


Proposed Song Selections

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